产品名称 | 椰碳纱线 (新特) |
货号 | 3 |
商标 | 3 |
纱支 | 40S /1 |
长丝规格 | 75D/72F 150D/144F |
原料配比 | C60 |
用途 | 针织 |
梳棉工艺 | 精梳 |
质量指标 | 1 |
成纱工艺 | 75D/72F 150D/144F |
形态 | 筒纱 |
供货数量 | 1000 |
日期 | 2013/6/30 15:28:01 |
备注 | 产品简介:椰炭纤维 Product Introduction: Coconut-charcoal PET Staple Fiber 一、椰子为热带地区重要之树种,其果实内之果肉被取用后,外壳随处丢弃,影响环境卫生。 Coconut is one of important tropical fruit tree. The shell was discarded when the pulp was eaten, it destroy the environment. 二、现发现椰子果实外壳可供加工生产椰碳之用途,不但使废物充分利用,又可达到环境保护, 的积极效益,是一种重要的”环保纤维”。 It was found coconut shell can be used to produce coconut charcoal. It not only make the trash recycle, but only protect the environment. So it is an important “ environmental-friendly” fiber. 三、将椰子外壳的纤维质加热到1200℃,可生成活性炭。再与Polyester混合并添加其它化学物资, 可制成椰炭母粒,并以Polyester为载体稀释,可抽成椰炭长纤及短纤之纤维。 Heat the coconut shell up to 1200℃, can be generated into activate carbon. Then let it blend with polyester And other chemical materials, can generate into coconut-charcoal master batch, at last use polyester as carrier to dilute it, can produce coconut-charcoal filament And staple fiber. Bitmap 一般性质:Product Features 1. 形态:椰炭PET纤维 Shape: Coconut-charcoal PET staple fiber 2. 颜色:黑灰色。Color : Black-grey 3. 有光泽。 It is glossy 4. 耐湿、耐候。Wet fastness And weatherability 5. 固成份(内含椰炭 负离子 远红外线): Total ~ 0.8 % Solid content(including coconut-charcoal, negative ions And F.I.R): Total ~0.8% 6. pH值: 无 pH : None 7. 次微米椰炭主要粒径: ~ 200 nm 。 Main diameter of hypo-micron coconut-charcoal: ~200nm 8.对环境及人、畜无害:不含铅、镉、汞、六价铬、聚合溴化联苯(PBB)、聚合溴化联苯乙醚 (PBDE)六种有毒有害物质。 Harmless for environment, human And livestock: It doesn’t include Lead, Cadmium, Hg, hexavalent chromium, PBB, PBDE And etc. 检测报告:Test Result 经抽纱制成布料后,经检测结果,负离子含量在650颗/cm3以上 远红外线放射波率在 0.9以上。 The fabric made of coconut-charcoal was found that the negative ions content is more than 650pcs/cm3, the wave rate of F.I.R can be above 0.9. Coconut-charcoal Filament (75D/72F) Quality Index 项目 Item 单位 Unit 结果 Result 线密度 Linear Density dtex 83.5 断裂强度 Strength at break force cn/dtex 3.3 断裂伸长率 Enlongation at break force % 21.1 卷曲收缩率 Crimp shrinkage % 14.0 沸水收缩率 Boiling shrinkage % 3.7 OPU % 1.4 网络度 Degree of network N/M 93 功能及用途:Advantages & Applications ●使用椰炭纤维织成之面料,纤维里含有椰炭颗粒,在制成服装后仍保持活性,纤维中的椰炭 形成一种多孔渗水的表面,能吸附臭味,具有防湿、除味、防紫外线等功能。 The staple fiber include coconut-charcoal granules, it will still keep its activity even it is weave into fabric. The coconut-charcoal will form a porous appearance,so has the advantages such as High moisture absorbency, odor neutralization, anti-UV And etc. ●椰炭纤维织成之面料,可做为运动服装之材料,穿着后使身体排出的汗液迅速蒸发。在清洗、 晒干后,这种运动服始终能保持原有的特性。 Coconut-charcoal fabric can be made into sport wear , it can make the sweat vaporize quickly. This kind of sport wear will keep the original functions after some times of washing And airing. ●椰炭短纤维亦可做为运动服、内衣、成衣、床单、被套、袜子、枕头、棉被之填充料,它可成为 保温纤维,或做为衣服内层,可吸收人体所散发出来的异味,并分解空气中有害物质,具有脱臭功效。 Coconut-charcoal fiber also can be produced sport wear, underwear, garment, sheet, quilt cover And socks. It is also can be used as pillow And quilt’s filling because it is “keep-warm” fiber. If it is used to make garments’ lining, it can absorb body odor And disagreeable odors in air. 产品规格 Specifications 短纤维 Staple fiber: 1.5D*38mm 长丝Filament;75D/72F 150D/144F 纱线 Yarn: 精梳混纺 40%椰炭+60% 棉 Combing blended yarn 40% coconut-charcoal +60% cotton Ne32s, Ne40s etc |
会员等级 | G |
供货企业 | 台湾南良集团公司 |
联系人 | 张先生 |
地址 | 上海市市辖区长宁区延安西路1358号5A |
邮编 | 205113 |
企业商铺 | [点击进入] |
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